An employee handbook is a great way to demonstrate compliance with a wide range of laws, regulations, and requirements. Here are five things to include in yours.

An employee handbook is a great way to demonstrate compliance with a wide range of laws, regulations, and requirements. Here are five things to include in yours.
Unless your business is a gun store or shooting range, make it clear that you will not tolerate weapons on the job.
A zero tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. | Put this in big bold print in the employee handbook. If a claim of discrimination is filed, the EEOC or comparable state agency is going to review your policies, and you want to show that the company is committed to a discrimination-free workplace. Not including this in your employee handbook is a big red flag. |
A procedure for filing accident, injury, and occupational disease claims. | Most states require you to maintain worker's compensation coverage if you have even one employee (excluding some founders and corporate officers). An employee typically initiates a claim by providing the employer with written notice of the injury. Explain the process in the handbook in clear and concise terms. |
A zero-tolerance policy for weapons and workplace violence. | Your employees can own all the guns, knives, and other weapons they want. But there's no need to bring them to work. Unless your business is a gun store or shooting range, make it clear that you will not tolerate weapons on the job. The last thing anyone needs is another workplace shooting. |
A zero-tolerance policy for drugs and working under the influence. | Your employees can smoke all the pot they want on their own time. But don't bring it to work and don't show up under the influence. Some states offer financial incentives to businesses that maintain drug-free workplaces. Put it in your handbook. |
A procedure for investigating handbook violations. | The investigation doesn't have to be fancy as long as all employees go through the same process. Workers should know how the discipline process works and potential penalties for violations. |